この度、SigARTGALLERY&PROJECTSではkudan houseを会場に、アーティスト田名網敬一氏の完全招待制の展覧会を開催致しました。本展覧会は、日本のアートシーンを牽引し続けるアーティスト・田名網敬一氏と、旧山口萬吉邸を改装し作られた会員制ビジネス拠点kudan houseのコラボレーションにより実現した展覧会です。幼少期の戦争体験による強烈な記憶を作品に宿し、日本アートシーンに類まれなる影響を残しながら活躍し続ける田名網氏と、戦時下の日本において数奇な遍歴を巡り、東京の街の衰退と発展を見届けてきたkudan houseによる本展覧会は、まさに現代日本におけるアート史と日本の歴史の邂逅と言えるでしょう。
Courtesy of NANZUKA
場所:kudan house(東京、千代田)
A complete invitational exhibition featuring artist Keiichi Tabaami has been held at Kudanhouse under SigARTGALLERY & PROJECTS.This exhibition was a collaboration between Keiichi Tanaami , a representative painter who has been leading the Japanese art industry for years, and kudanhouse which is a members only art salon built by renovating former Yamaguchi's house.This chemistry of Tanaami, who has been playing a very important role in the Japanese art context including today, and Kudanhouse, which has experienced a strange history in Japan under war and has spent its life with Tokyo's decline and growth, could be said as an encounter of modern Japanese art history and the history of Japan itself.
Courtesy of NANZUKA
kudan house(Tokyo,chiyoda)