この度、SigARTGALLERY&PROJECTSではkudan houseを会場に、写真家森山大道氏の完全招待制の展覧会を開催致しました。本展覧会は、日本を代表する写真家である森山大道氏と、旧山口萬吉邸を改装し作られた会員制ビジネス拠点kudan houseのコラボレーションにより実現した展覧会です。半世紀以上もの間、東京の現在を写し続けてきた森山氏。彼の作品を旧山口萬吉邸として戦前から変わらず東京の地に立ち続けてきたkudan houseで展示することは、東京オリンピックが開催される予定であった本年において多大なる意味を持つ展示となります。それぞれの歴史活動から見る東京の街の在り方、意味、変遷、虚構。東京の今を浮き彫りとする展示となっております。
Courtesy of Taka Ishii Gallery
場所:kudan house(東京、千代田)
A complete invitational exhibition featuring photographer Daido Moriyama has been held at Kudanhouse under SigARTGALLERY & PROJECTS.This exhibition was a collaboration between Daido Moriyama , a representative photographer of Japan, and kudanhouse which is a members only art salon built by renovating former Yamaguchi's house.Moriyama has been reflecting the presence of Tokyo through his photographs for more than half a century. Having his works exhibited at former Yamaguchi's house which has been existing in Tokyo before WW2 , especially in the year when the Olympics should had been held, gives a great meaning to this exhibition.The condition, meaning , transition and fabrication of Tokyo seen from each historical activity --.This exhibition will emboss how Tokyo is today.
Courtesy of Taka Ishii Gallery
kudan house(Tokyo,chiyoda)